
Que chuzo!

I have learned a few things in my first days here in Costa Rica:
1. I know more Spanish than I give myself credit for
2. There are a lot of insects here, big ones
3. I really do fit into Latin American culture, everything is typically 20-40mins behind schedule
4. Cars don't stop for pedestrians here, ever. In fact, I think they speed up.

Classes are going really well. I have grammar in the morning for the next two weeks. It is a four week class and I'm taking it in two which means mucho homework. In the afternoons on Tues and Thurs I have class with our director, Javier (also by myself). It is a class on Mexican film and comparisons of cultures (American, Mexican, and Costa Rican). It's a fantastic class so far! It's nice having a Spanish class that doesn't only focus on how to say things, but rather what you're actually saying.

Yesterday we went to downtown San Jose. Aqui estan algunas fotos.
Con afecto,

The view when I woke up on the plane:
 Mi cuarto:
 My walk to school:
 In a park in downtown, San Jose:
 We went to El Museo de Jade:

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