
El Primer Dia

I am here!! It is so beautiful and green :) and my host parents are extremely kind. They are young, in their 30s I'm assuming, and have no children except for the husband's daughter from a previous marriage. She is the same age as my sister and stopped by today. They do, however, have two dogs, a cat, a canary, a fish tank, and a turtle! :) I also have two housemates from Montana, but we all have our own rooms. I arrived to the San Juan International airport at 6am and was picked up by one of the instructors from the school. I unpacked, showered, and then had to go to orientation at the school from 9am-1pm. After that I slept til 5:30 haha.The walk to school from my house is only about 8 minutes, definititely different than Mexico!

It's a little difficult right now because as I take everything in, I compare it to my last trip, which was so amazing and taught me so much. I don't want either experience to seem better because they're both going to be significantly different and special. I am excited to get used to a different life here :)

Class is going to be five days/week 8am-12pm. I will be one-on-one with a professor for the first two weeks reviewing and learning extra grammar; I should finish that class in that time and then I'll move into a higher level for the remaining four weeks. I will also have an extra class a couple days/week with my director. We are plannng all our excursions tomorrow; keeping my fingers crossed for a trip to the Carribbean beach!! I can't find my camera cord :( and my computer doesn't always read my card. So no fotos yet. Espero que ustedes esten bien! I will write again, soon.


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