
El Vólcan Poás

We went to the Poás Volcano National Park on Sunday. On top, where the crater is located, is a lake called "Laguna Caliente" and is one of the most acidic lakes in the world--depending on volcanic activity and rain it can reach a pH of about 0. The last time Poás erupted was in 2011, it caused serious damage in 2009, and it is considered to be an active volcano (glad I didn't look up these things beforehand). After a short hike you can reach an inactive crater, called "Las Botas." There is now a big lake in the crater of a volcano that hasn't erupted since around 7500 BC. The entire park is located in a cloud forest because it's so high up and was a wee bit chilly. I had to do a 20 minute presentation last week in class about Costa Rica's geography, people, and culture (ugh) so it was cool to get to see some of the stuff I learned in person :) The park was really amazing to see, especially the active volcano and walks through the forest. Finished my grammar class today, then we played games and had the best little cake thing I have ever had and I'm totes going to attempt to make it when I get home, look out kitchen!

Nos vemos :) Nicole

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