
Los Niños

Last Wednesday we went to what we thought was an orphanage but might have been a day care center, but we never really found out because as soon as we got there there were about 40-50 kids that wanted our attention! There was also a room  full of toddlers and babies. Regardless of whatever the situation was in the center, those kids only had about 1 supervisor per 20 kids and definitely enjoyed having people there to play with them. Javier loved the experience and, since he is moving his family to San Jose to do the NAU program here, is considering starting an English class for the kids by forming a partnership with NAU students who are interested while they're living here. Pictures below :)

In other news I finished my difficult grammar class on Friday!!!! My final is on Monday and on Tuesday I will start Avanzada II which luckily I get to take over four weeks instead of two. Tomorrow we're going to a volcano!

I hope all is well at home, missing people much!
Con afecto,

 Someone needs to reteach me how to hold a baby^^ haha

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