
Vólcan Arenal y Monte Verde

The weekend I write about here was two weeks ago, and was without a doubt my favorite weekend of the trip so far.  Unfortunately I can not write about it as much as I would like to because we are heading out again today in an hour and I need to finish packing. We did the rope swing into the cold river, slid down the hot river, and spent time in the hot springs in Arenal. We went ziplining through the cloud forest in the mountains of Monte Verde, sometimes at 600ft in the air, at 40-60mph, and the longest cable was a kilometer long. We also rappelled (sp?) down 98ft and did a free fall "Tarzan Swing" which was probably 60-70ft in the air that swung 197ft out over the forest. It was a completely surreal, incredible, and beautiful experience. I had to face a lot of fears, but I couldn't be more happy and proud of myself for taking the risks. Fue la evidencia que de vez en cuando una persona puede tomar un esfuerzo de fe y todo puede pasar bien. 

Cuidado mis queridos,

Hot Springs

Cold River

Hot River

 Ziplining :)

 Tarzan Swing

 Howler Monkey

 Vólcan Arenal

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