
La Playa de Montezuma

I totes updated this thing the other night and it didn't save it and it was a wonderful post so I was angry and didn't try again until now while I'm procrastinating my incredible amount of homework. for tomorrow. I literally have a mountain of it, I'm getting sick, I have weird bug bites on my arms, and I have a giant purple/black/blue bruise on my butt from a wave that showed me who's boss. However, I have a smile on my face and gratefulness in my heart and am incredibly thankful to have a few more days here before heading back to the states.

This last weekend we went to Montezuma, a beach on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. We went off the coast to la Isla Tortuga. Due to certain circumstances, my friend Jenna and I were stuck on the island while our group went snorkeling but it ended up working to our advantage because we got to go horseback riding through the mountain :) This is just one example of why my motto has become, "No hay mal que por bien no venga" which is a saying that translates to something along the lines of there isn't bad that good doesn't end up coming from. At least 4 or 5 different people have said it to me in various situations and various locations, thus I have adopted it as my creed. Our hotel was literally on the beach and we could lay in hammocks and fall asleep to the sound of the waves. It was the right amount of adventure, distraction, peace, and beauty that I needed after last week and I came home with a smile on my face.

Here are some photos, I have a slight obsession with photographing water and light, sunsets are my favorite :) I am planning on updating at least once more before leaving here. My flight is scheduled for Saturday but.... vamos a ver if I get on it ;)
Con afecto,

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